Třída 9. A - Archivována 2017

A letter to a penfriend

3.3.2017 08:32 / Kateřina Czyžová



ü Past Simple (What happened to you, your family, friends last year?, played/saw, questions with Did you…/ What did you…?), Past Continuous (was/were watching)

ü Present Perfect (What have you already done/tried in your life?, your experience, have/has been to…, haven´t/hasn´t seen… , I have never played…, ask your penfriend Have you ever…?)

ü Present Simple (What do you/your family, friends normally do?, describe your day or talk about hobbies, play/plays, don´t watch/doesn´t watch, then ask questions like What do you normally do on Mondays?, What are your hobbies?, What does your friend like to do in his free time?...)

ü Present Continuous (write what are you doing now, ask your penfriend)

ü Future with will (predictions about your life or future in general, I think I will be…, I hope my family won´t live…, ask e.g. What will we use to travel in the city?...)  

ü Future with going to (describe your plans for the future, I am going to study…, My friend Tom isn´t going to work…, ask What are you/is your family going to…?)

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